The word “matter” can be seen as metaphorical ⏳
In considering that language can be seen as a kind of metaphor, what about “matter,” the favorite word of Fundemtalist Materialists? This too is a metaphor, and is related to meter and measure and, oddly enough, to mother also. Somewhere, somehow, out of the activity of metering and measuring, somebody invented the metaphor, the substanative noun, of that-which-is-measured.
In the same way, out of the experiences of various kinds of leaves, the substanative noun, or metaphor, of “leaf” was created. That process was very poetic indeed and even metaphysical considering that philosopher Plato either believed, or has been understood to believe, that “leaf” really existed somewhere. So too, most Materialists seem to believe that “matter” exists somewhere. But nobody has ever experienced this metaphor or abstraction called “matter,” anymore than anyone has experienced “the leaf.” Human experience remains limited to measurement 1, measurement 2, measurement 3, and so on.
- Wilson, A., Robert (1986). The New Inquisition Chapter 1 Models, Metaphors, and Idols (Page 27 · Location 442). Grand Junction, Colorado: Hilaritas Press
Type:🔴 Tags: Psychology / Linguistics / Semantics / Philosophy / Epistemology Status:☀️